Strata Report Sydney, We are here in your area?
Before you purchase a strata-titled property, flat, unit or apartment unit, villa or townhouse in Sydney, make sure you order a strata report from Sydney Strata Report.
Things we look for: That the Strata scheme is adequately insured regular or special levies you'll have to contribute? Evidence of building or structural problems that may cost you in the future. Maintenance contributions which you will be liable for are also detailed in the report, enabling you to get a clear picture of the costs involved in owning a strata property within a particular complex. Details should include costs to the Administrative Fund, Sinking Fund, and Special Levies - both current and proposed and whether or not the inspector feels the costs have been correctly determined. Whether or not the strata scheme has an adequate reserve of funds. If there has been a history of disharmony between owners? What the strata regulations are regarding items such as renovation, refurbishment common property or pet ownership?
Why Sydney Strata Report? FAST Service: Generally a Same Day / 24 hour turnaround.
Quality strata reports: All Sydney Strata Reports are prepared by an experienced strata report specialist.
Other titles: Company Title Buildings, Community and Neighbourhood Associations and Building Management Committees.
"Our Sydney strata report specialists are happy to pay particular attention to any areas of concern that you may have at no extra charge."
Details of the By-Laws of the Owners Corporation should be listed. Information should be given as to the details of any Managing Agent of the complex, as well as any alternative agent, should the Managing Agent fail to complete their duties. Our Sydney Strata Report inspector should sight the Title Deed of the common property. The inspector should check to ensure that minutes of all meetings by the Owners Corporation are kept, as well as details of any income tax matters, including recording of TFN & ABN numbers. General information should also appear on your Strata Report, including details of the number of lots in the Strata Plan, what unit entitlement your prospective property has and when the last increase in levies occurred.
General repair of the complex should be recorded in your strata report including: plumbing and building defects and when the repairs were made. Historical information may include details of the date of registration of the Strata Plan, when the first and last AGM's and Executive Committee meetings were held, & details of auditors appointed.
Call us now on 0421 298 888